
Photography by Marianne

All images copyright Marianne DeNovellis Photography

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Heads Up! Price Changes Coming in 2014!

We will be re-vamping our pricing beginning Jan 1, 2014. Don't worry, you'll still be getting the best skills and expertise I have to offer, and even higher-end products and fine art photography. We are working to provide you, out client, the best experience in photography you've ever had. When you think of fine art photography, we want you to think of Lens Blossom Photography. We will be expanding our product line in order to get you what matters most: beautiful images you can look at over and over, on your walls and in albums, instead of .jpg files that just sit on your hard drive, that don't get admired or appreciated. 
If you are a member of our Spokes-Moms program, or if you are one of our Senior Reps, your program price will remain the same until the end of your program.  

To get the 2013 pricing and amazing photography, book your appointment before Dec 31, 2013

We are so excited to serve you!

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Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
We are partnered with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, a non-profit organization of photographers who provide professional photography to families who are suffering the loss of a newborn. To learn more about NILMDTS or to donate to this charity, click on the logo above.