
Photography by Marianne

All images copyright Marianne DeNovellis Photography

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Why Is Photography So Important?

I have been thinking about writing this for a long time, and for whatever reason, I have never decided to do it. I love and adore photography. I love working with people and capturing moments and memories that we'll share for a lifetime. I also love having my picture taken, especially with my little family. Sometimes that's hard to do when I'm behind the camera most of the time. Why is this so important to me? As a child, digital cameras were only a dream (digital anything for that matter), and I suppose that's connected to the fact that I have so few images of my childhood. Those that I do have are treasured and precious to me. I want my children to have beautiful images that they can look at and remember that we spent time together. I want them to remember all the time how much we love them. I want my client's sessions to build memories, not just a CD of jpegs. And should the unthinkable happen, those photographs become more than just memories. They become etched in the minds of loved ones and friends. A positive reminder of the relationship they shared.

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Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
We are partnered with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, a non-profit organization of photographers who provide professional photography to families who are suffering the loss of a newborn. To learn more about NILMDTS or to donate to this charity, click on the logo above.